Lay Ministry

Lay Ministry in our Parish

WE BELIEVE - that all Christians are called to ministry by Jesus.

WE BELIEVE - that the Sacrament of Baptism empowers us as disciples to share in the priestly, prophetic and servant roles of Jesus.

WE BELIEVE - that all ministers in a leadership capacity are entitled to have their gifts developed through theological study, spiritual reflection, and the nurturing of pastoral skills.

THEREFORE in collaboration with the diocese, we will provide opportunities for ministers, both commissioned and licensed, to prepare themselves to fully participate as effectively in the Mission of the Church.

Some of the Lay Ministries across the Parish

Sidespeople (Welcomers)

The Scriptures have numerous verses relating to hospitality and making people, especially the stranger, feel welcome by instilling in them a sense of joy and confidence as they enter the church. Our welcomers extend the hospitality of our community to all who pass through the door of the church.

What do they do?

Welcomers stand in the porch of the church and welcome people to our Sunday Masses.  They greet them with a warm smile and pass them a copy of our the booklet they will need to participate in the Mass.  If a person is new to or visiting our parish they will help them orientate themselves providing key information as required.  Welcomers are the first point of contact with our community and first impressions count.

How you can help?

If you like meeting other people and have a passion for the church then consider becoming a welcomer and joining the team.

How they can help you?

If you are considering coming to our church or new to the church and have a question, just approach the welcomer at the door and they will only be happy to help.


(Those who read the Old and New Testament Lessons)

Lectors are the proclaimers of God's Word during the Eucharistic celebration. In your ministry, you will make Jesus present in a very real way for all those gathered to worship. In this ministry, you will take the word written by God to us and make it come alive for all of us. Through the ministry of Lector, not only will you bring Christ to the faithful, but you will enrich your own faith by praying over your assigned reading and making it part of you. 

What do they do?

The objective of the Minister of the Word (lector) is not merely to be an interesting oral reader of the Bible, it is to provide effective proclamation of God’s Word in Scripture. Effective proclamation of the Scriptures depends on the quality of how the lector prepares to minister to the congregation.

How you can help?

If you feel called to this ministry and have a passion for sacred Scripture then consider becoming a lector.

Servers (Those who assist the priest at the Altar)

The ministry of Altar Server assists the priest during the Mass. A good server is attentive and can anticipate all parts of the Mass. A good server is focused on their role and does the best they can do while serving. Being an Altar Server brings you closer to God and allows you to learn and understand the Mass better than anyone you know...except the priest.

What do they do?

The Book of Common Prayer reminds each of us that “at all celebrations of the Liturgy, it is fitting that the principal celebrant, whether bishop or priest, be assisted by other priests, and by deacons and laypersons”. For our Servers, this includes the said and sung Masses of Sunday worship, and the daily Masses. In addition, many are called to serve for requiems and other special liturgies.

The beauty we create in our churches as part of the liturgy lifts us to God; the music we hear fills us with exultation and opens our hearts to experience God’s presence. In making worship beautiful, we are offering God our very best, standing on tiptoe and stretching as high as we possibly can to reach to Our Lord and Maker. Servers, through their actions and conduct, bring the assembly to a fuller understanding of the liturgy and a greater love for God. 

”The altar server occupies a privileged place in the liturgical celebration. The altar server presents himself to a community and experiences firsthand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgical act. Jesus is present when the community comes together to pray and render praise to God.  

Jesus is present in the Word of sacred Scripture. Jesus is present above all in the Eucharist under the signs and bread and wine. He acts through the priest who, in the person of Christ, celebrates the holy Mass and administers the sacraments.  Therefore, in the liturgy, you are much more than simple 'helpers of the parish priest'.

Above all, you are servers of Jesus Christ, of the eternal High Priest. Thus, you, altar servers, are called in particular to be young friends of Jesus. Be determined to go deeper and to cultivate this friendship with Him. You will discover that
in Jesus you have found a true friend for life." Saint John Paul II to a group of Altar Servers in 2001

How you can help?

If you feel called to this ministry and have a passion for sacred Scripture then consider becoming a Server.  This ministry is open to all baptized Christians, regular in attendance, who are deemed to serve at the Altar of God. For more information or to volunteer your time, contact the Parish Priest.

Lay Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

& Pastoral Visitors

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EMs) assist with the distribution of the Eucharist to the assembly. This ministry reverently handles the Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord during Mass. They also bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound of our parish. This ministry comes with tremendous responsibility and also tremendous rewards.

What do they do?

Lay Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (LEOMs) administer Holy Communion during weekly Masses. Pastoral Visitors (PVs) make visits to those who are homebound or hospitalised with illnesses.

How you can help?

If you feel called to this ministry and have a passion for the Blessed Sacrament and serving others then consider becoming either a LEOM or PV.  Parish training and Diocesan Licensing is required for LEOMs; Diocesan training and licensing is required for PVs.

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