What is Holy Hour?


There are many reasons why you'd want to pray a holy hour, but we think of it like this:

In order to follow God, we must first come to know him, form a relationship with him, and learn to trust in him. This means that we need to spend time with him. We need to speak to him, and importantly we need to learn to listen to him.

That last bit is key. So often in our prayer, we forget to listen. We say our piece and then move on. Is sitting in silence and listening to the Lord easy? No. It's quite challenging.

But, God will provide the grace for you if you show up to prayer each day, willing to receive it.

How to pray at Holy Hour

A holy hour is a period of time set apart for God. It is a time of confidence with the Lord; a time to put yourself before the Lord
and allow him to love and lead you. It is a time to allow yourself to be conformed to Christ. A simple method for praying a holy
hour is by following a pyramidal structure: 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 15 minutes, and 5 minutes.

Your Opening Prayer:

This is a time of verbal prayer before the Lord, giving Him praise and asking His mercy. Quiet your heart and soul for the rest of the time. 

The Next 15 Minutes - Spiritual Reading:
During this time, engage with spiritual reading. This can be reading the Bible, the Mass readings, or some other work of the Saints. Use these 15 minutes to turn your mind to God and holy things. It should lead into the climax of your holy hour, which is next.

The Next 20 Minutes - Silent Prayer:
This is set aside time to dialogue with the Lord. Bring before him whatever is on your mind and heart. This will often be fueled by
questions from the day’s reflection. Honestly share with the Lord your thoughts and concerns. Then, and most importantly, give the Lord the space to respond and yourself the silence to listen.

The Next 15 Minutes - Intercession:

Pray for your own deliverance, for your family, your fraternity, the Church, and any other prayers you may have.

The Last 5 Minutes - Thanksgiving:

We have much to be thankful for each day. Consistent acknowledgement of God’s gifts and graces brings a greater sense of appreciation and joy into life. Make a prayer of praise and thanksgiving before the Lord.

In Closing

Close by asking Our Lady and your chosen saints to intercede for you throughout the day, just as you would ask your brothers and sisters to pray for you.

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