St Mary's

St Mary's serving the community of Stanwell.

The following information is relevant for every day:

St Mary's has a loop system installed, which suitable hearing aid users can use by switching to the “T” setting.

Guide dogs and hearing dogs are admitted. We provide large-print copies of the weekly service sheet and the words of the hymns, and we are actively working on providing more large-print service books.

Except for the chancel, public areas of the church are accessible via a ramp. We are happy to bring communion to those who (for whatever reason) find it difficult to get to the altar. Toilet facilities are available for those with limited mobility, including wheelchair users.

Please get in touch with us if you have any queries about your particular situation while attending St Mary's.

How to find us

You can find us in the centre of Stanwell Village, access from the High Street into Church Approach.

  •  From the M25: Exit at junction 14 and follow the A3113; at the first roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto A3044 towards Staines. Turn left at the first set of traffic lights onto B378. Follow this road, crossing the mini roundabout. first exit. The church is down next right turning.

  • By train: You can exit at Ashford, Surrey, about 2 miles from the church.

Post Code TW19 7JS

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